2014 – 2015
Budget DFT: 300 000€

AgiSpacES develops agile and iterative product development methods for development of embedded systems taking into account the special characteristics of space industry. The project focuses especially to the handling of present standards and regulations, and their influence to the development work. In the field of software engineering it has been recognized that the utilization of agile methods can improve the efficiency and flexibility of the development work without sacrificing the wellbeing of the developers. AgiSpacES is based on foundations made in the AgiES project. The work done in AgiES is extended to cover the strictly standardized and regulated field of space industry. The results of the project will be published as a collection of agile and iterative practices which have been developed during the project and been found usable in development of embedded systems in space industry. The results will be valuable not only for the companies in space industry but also in several other domains where standards and regulations affect the development work.


AgiSpacES Press release 22.1.2014

AgiSpacES Lehdistötiedote 15.10.2015


  • Ville Rantala, Kaisa Könnölä, Samuli Suomi, Minna Isomäki, Teijo LehtonenAgile Embedded System Development versus European Space StandardsInternational Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) 8(1)28 Oct / 2016

  • Kaisa Könnölä, Samuli Suomi, Tuomas Mäkilä, Ville Rantala, Teijo LehtonenCan embedded space system development benefit from agile practices?EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems7 July /2016

  • Isomäki MinnaProduct Assurance in Agile Space Systems DevelopmentMaster's Thesis2015

  • Kaisa Könnölä, Samuli Suomi, Ville Rantala, Minna Isomäki, Tuomas Mäkilä, Teijo LehtonenSulautettujen järjestelmien ketterän käsikirjan lisäosa: Ketteryys avaruusteollisuudessaISBN: 978-951-29-6283-9 (pdf)2015

  • Ville Rantala, Kaisa Könnölä, Samuli Suomi, Minna IsomäkiGuidelines for Small Embedded System Companies Aiming to Enter the Space IndustryUniversity of Turku Technical Reports, No.72015

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Teijo Lehtonen

Senior Research Fellow

teijo.lehtonen@utu.fi +358 (0)44 440 0005